International Chick Lit Month

Four Reasons to Fall in Love with Chick Lit Author Dina Silver

What would happen if Bridget Jones had sex with Christian Grey? No really. Dina Silver WENT THERE! (Follow the link to read the v. short story.) And it is hilarious and totally on target. (P.S. You can tweet her short story by click here.) Dina Silver is the author of three great books about women finding their way in the world. And, of course, hunks of burning love.

Dina Silver's romance novels--chick lit ebooks.
Read Dina Silver’s great books in print, audio, or ebook.

By the way, did you know that when not writing novels, Dina also designs her own line of greeting cards called Dina’s Ideas. Wow! Is that cool, or what?

Interview with Author Dina Silver

Jean / The Lovebug Blog: When did you first fall in love with chick lit and/or romance?

Dina Silver: For sure, when I read Bridget Jones’ Diary. I could read that book again tomorrow and laugh just as hard as I did the first time. One of my other favorite chick-lit books is The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing. Both books were pioneers in the genre. As for romance in general, I’ve always been a huge Pride & Prejudice goober.

What part of writing chick lit do you enjoy the most?

Dina: The humor. Anytime I can infuse wit into a story it makes me happy.

Have you ever made yourself cry while writing a scene between your heroine and hero?

I have. There were a few scenes in One Pink Line that have made me teary.

Chick lit is best known for its hunky heroes, career dramas, best friends who rock, and coming of age. Are there any ways in which your own life resembles chick lit?

Dina: All of the above! Just kidding. Well, actually, my 2nd novel, Kat Fight, is loosely based on how I met my husband…so, yes. Much of that book resembles my real life.

If you had a chance to go on a date with one of the heroes from your novels, who would you pick and why?

Dina: Wow. That’s a tough one b/c I’ve written some really good guys. Maybe Cam from Finding Bliss. Readers will have to wait to see why… 🙂

Note from Jean: Finding Bliss is currently available for preorder and will be released in July.

Where to Find Chick Lit Author Dina Silver Online

Where can readers find your books as well as more about you?

Gosh, I am everywhere. It’s borderline annoying. As for my books, they’re all available on Amazon, and signed copies are available through my website. Here are some links that will get you more Dina Silver than you ever bargained for!



TWITTER: @DinaSilver

When Did you First Fall in Love?

How about you, dear reader? When did you fall in love with romance or chick lit? Do you remember the first book you read that made you sit up and say, Hey nowwww. Hello? Tell us about in the comment section.

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