1001 Boredom Busting Play Ideas

Ever been unable to think of a single fun thing to help your child solve their boredom blues?

Need something for the kids to do so you can read in peace?

You know there’s a TON of fun stuff to do but you still can’t think of a single boredom buster to save your life. You go online and search for ideas but the crafts that are too complicated or require supplies you don’t have, and the games are for older kids or you need more people… You’re starting to feel worse and worse by the minute, you’re kids are turning into droopy unhappy beings, and you wish you had an instant, easy, cost-effective solution to bust their boredom blues on the spot.

Problem solved. 1,001 Boredom Busting Play Ideas will cure your children’s boredom blues no matter what their age, their interests or where they are (in the car, at the lake, in the rain, inside, outside, upside down). With over 1,000 play ideas, games, crafts, and family fun activities, there’s a guaranteed boredom buster for everyone.

Whether you have toddlers, preschoolers, or school-aged kids in your care, this book has something for all ages and all interests. Parents, teachers, camp counselors, babysitters, and grandparents will find everything from classic games from their youth, to tricky challenges, to group games, to quiet activities, to arts & crafts, to family day trip ideas… and more! Check it out:

  • 15 Varieties of the childhood classic game Tag
  • 101 tricky challenges for kids
  • 36 Travel games plus 24 more word games that can be played in the car
  • Arts and crafts (and holiday crafts, too)
  • Classic games such as Hot Potato & Red Rover
  • Outside play ideas
  • Playground games
  • Imagination play ideas
  • Birthday party games
  • Easy arts and crafts for all ages
  • Improv games
  • Family day trip ideas
  • Group games
  • Rainy day activities
  • 14 games to help your kids decide who gets to be “it”
  • And more play, play, play!
  • Now includes 26 BONUS activities for a grand total of 1,027 activities to keep your kids happy, and playing.

The brain learns by playing and play is children’s work. Build smart, happy, healthy children… let’s play! Snag your copy today to get over 1,000 more fun play ideas.


ebook price $7.99

Also available in paperback



Coin Catching à la Elbow!
Put your right hand on your right shoulder. Point your elbow out in front of you. Lay a penny on the flat part of your arm just above your elbow. Without moving your arm, turn your hand so the palm of your hand is facing up. Very quickly move your elbow down and try to catch the penny with your right hand as it falls.

The record for caught pennies when I was a kid was a stack of 14. How many can you catch?

Sponge Tag
Take your water fights and tag game to an all new hot-weather level of fun!

The it player has several sponges soaked with water. To tag other players, they have to hit them with a wet sponge! You might want a lot of sponges as I see this version morphing into a free-for-all water fight!

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